Top Ten Reasons for Fintech Innovators to Attend EMERGE
It’s not too late to register for the 11th annual EMERGE Forum–the nation’s premier event on Consumer Financial Health. Register now to join us in New Orleans, June 15-17th. Why? Here are 10 (of many) great reasons:
#10 Beignets. And more beignets….
#9 Unparalleled networking opportunities. It’s the only place you can rub elbows with over 700 industry leaders in fintech, banking, and nonprofits… Learn more >>
#8 Stellar speakers, innovative ideas. Don’t take our word for it. Check them out >>
#7 Pre-Forum: FinX In-Field. Participants will experience a “day-in-the-life” of an underserved consumer by engaging in a series of real-time financial transactions. Space is going fast, so register today for this unique workshop >>
#6 Faster payments. Changes in faster payments infrastructure are coming quickly–plumbing, rules, regulations, and more. What’s the impact on consumers? >>
#5 Measuring Financial Health: Making the Impact Real. Learn how innovators are measuring customers’ financial health to deliver increased value to consumers and their institutions’ bottom line. Let’s Quantify FinHealth >>
#4 The Future of Consumer Financial Health. Our panel of experts looks into the proverbial crystal ball and agrees or disagrees with five forward-looking statements. It’s Point & Counterpoint >>
#3 The Fintech US vs. UK Matchup. Two big news stories in innovation and regulation, packed into one panel discussion. Don’t miss it >>
#2 Keynote Conversation: Innovation & Scale. How do we keep consumers front and center in the interplay between banks and fintech? Jennifer Tescher and Al Ko on stage >>
#1 Financial Solutions Lab Year Two Begins! The finalists will be announced at 5:30 p.m. on the 15th, and the winners at 4:30 p.m. on the 16th! Register today >>
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